Stroke It Guide Podcast

“Be More Selfish...You Can’t Pour From an Empty Cup" with Life Coach Jessica Marie

August 10, 2023 Jenny Alday Townsend Season 1 Episode 86

Episode Write Up:

Jessica Marie is a life coach, energy healer, and women’s retreat host. In her interview, she shares her story of how corporate life snuck up, and as a result, she gained too much weight.  She started working out and even competed in bodybuilding competitions. But that's not where her story ends. Her health journey continued as she began to listen to her body. Through this journey of self-discovery,  she learned that her purpose is to guide others to create more fulfillment and success in their lives.

Now she works with clients to remove deeply ingrained patterns that keep them stuck so they can get clear and lead life through their heart’s desires. Jessica uses trauma-informed coaching, NLP, Reiki, and Breathwork therapy to get her clients the best results.

In her interview, she drops some great advice, encouraging us to “be more selfish” since you can’t pour from an empty cup.  She reminds us to ask ourselves, “What is important?” so that we can focus our efforts and move “just one inch” closer to our best life. She also challenges us to raise our awareness because if we recognize our patterns, we can see if they’re getting us where we want to go.

If you enjoy this episode, be sure to check out Jessica’s social media here:

Instagram: Jessicamariestep

Tik tok: jessicamariestep

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